The Parables of the Lost

Jul 14, 2024    Pastor Jared Richey

This week Pastor Jared taught about the parables of the lost sheep, lost coin, and lost son in Luke 15. Here are some questions and thoughts to think and pray about throughout your week:

- In the stories of the lost sheep and lost son, sin and brokenness often sneaks in when we're separated from community. Have you ever experienced this? What was it like to be separated from a community you were part of?

- The woman had to actively search for the lost coin in order to find it. How can you actively search for those far from Jesus?

- Even though the prodigal son repented, got up, and went back to his father, his motives were likely still out of desperation and may not have been the most pure. What does that say about the reaction of the father in the story, and what does it say about God? Do you feel like you have to have the best motives when you turn to God?

- In the story of the prodigal son, who do you see yourself in? The prodigal, desperate and far from home? The father, waiting and watching to run to the son, just wanting them home safe and sound? The older brother, feeling entitled and overlooked? Pray and wrestle with these with God.