The Rich Fool

Aug 11, 2024    Pastor Jared Richey

This week we covered the parable of the Rich Fool from Luke 12:13-21. Below are some reflection thoughts and questions to ponder as you go about your week!

Are there any situations in your life where you or someone else, like the man asking Jesus about inheritance, have already decided what justice looks like in a certain situation? Do you tend to approach conflict with others with a decision about what justice looks like ahead of time, or with a spirit that is open to listening and empathizing with the other person's needs?

Why do you think the rich fool wasn't making the decision about his wealth in community with others? Do you think he had a community and was ignoring them, or do you think he was isolated from community? What would you think about making a big financial decision (like getting a big raise at your job) in community with others?

What in your life do you need to go a certain way for you to be happy? Family situations? Career? Wealth? Significant relationships? What's one step you can take to hand these things over to God this week?

Where does your treasure reside? Would you trust Jesus with your bank account information, even if you knew for certain he would end up taking money out?