The Sower

Jun 16, 2024    Pastor Jacob Bodine

This week Pastor Jacob kicked off our "Parables" series by talking about the Parable of the Sower in Matthew 13. Here are some questions to think through as you go about your week!

- Why do you think Jesus used parables to speak to people, instead of plainly explaining what he meant all the time?

- The parable of the sower isn't as much about the seeds as it is about the soil - which kind of soil do you feel like your heart is this week? Do you feel rocky, like it's difficult for the words to take root in your life? Do you feel like the difficulties of life are making the words of Jesus hard to believe? Do you find yourself eagerly expecting Jesus to move in the unexpected?

- The Kingdom of God often looks like planting seeds that we don't ever get to see the full growth of. Does this make you less excited about investing in the story of the Kingdom or more excited and motivated? Why?