The Vineyard Owner

Aug 4, 2024    Pastor Jared Richey

This week Pastor Jared taught about the story of the Vineyard Owner in Luke 20 and the context surrounding it. Here are some questions to reflect on after you listen!

What can we learn about the vineyard owner in the number of times he sent servants, and even his son, to reason with the tenants? What do you think Jesus is trying to say about God through the way the owner is depicted?

Are there any times that you wish the cost of following Jesus wasn't so high? Are there any things you are tempted to hold onto (power, money, influence) tighter than Jesus?

The tenants in the story seemed to forget that they were not the owners of the vineyard. Is there any gift or possession in your life that you forget belongs to God?

Think through the areas of your life that specifically take up most of your time, energy, or concern. How can you steward every area of your life well to reflect God's Image on you?