The Two Debtors & The Pharisee and the Tax Collector

Aug 25, 2024    Pastor Jared Richey

Continuing our series on the Parables of Jesus, Pastor Jared taught this week on the parable of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector in Luke 18 and the story of the Two Debtors.

- Picture yourself praying at the Temple in the parable of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector. Who do you see yourself in the most? The tax collector broken at the knowledge of his own flaws? The Pharisee stuck in his own pride and missing the point? Are you an onlooker, seeing both characters as you're offering your own prayers for atonement? What would you be thinking if you saw this scene played out before you as a Jew in that time?

- What are you proud of in your own faith journey? Are there any ways you've grown in your faith that you attribute to your own effort, rather than recognizing God's hand in it? Write it down this week and pray over it, thanking God for the ways he has been present in your growth.

- During the message, Pastor Jared said the phrase "Our capacity to love is tied to our willingness to ask for forgiveness." What can you ask forgiveness for this week, from God or others?