Cost of Discipleship & The Two Sons

Jul 28, 2024

Pastor Jared wraps up July by talking about the parable of the two sons in Matthew 21 and the teaching about counting the cost in Luke 14. These two passages are rich in opportunity to reflect on our own journey of faith - and the questions below are meant to help as well!

What do you think the story of the two sons in Matthew 21 says about what discipleship is all about? What do you think the son who said "I will not go" and changed his mind and went in obedience of his father would look like in someone's faith journey today? What about the son who said "I will" and ended up not going? Which do you see yourself in more?

What is your "cost" of following Jesus? What are things that more easily take priority in your mind over following Jesus?

Make a list of the most central relationships in your life and prioritize them, including Jesus, according to the time you tend to prioritize with each one. What would it look like for Jesus to be the most central thing in your life, that everything else is anchored in to?