Maturing Faith: Week 5

Nov 12, 2023    Pastor Jared Richey

This week, Pastor Jared teaches from John 5-6, examining the different reasons people had for following Jesus (or walking away from Jesus) and how they relate to the faith of Desperation! Reflection questions are below for additional study.

In John 5-6, we see several people coming to Jesus to different things. Which one do you resonate with most? The man by the pool, desperate to get well? The people following Jesus who wanted miraculous signs? The disciples who have no one else to go to?

Pastor Jared talks about the difference between a follower and disciple, saying that disciples are students who stay even through questions and difficult teachings. Have you ever had doubts or questions that made you struggle with your faith? How did you respond?

How would your life feel different if the person of Jesus was not in your life? What tangible differences can you point to?

How is your life with Jesus? Not just reading the Bible or going to church, but an actual relationship with the person of Jesus?

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