
Sep 10, 2023    Pastor Jared Richey

This Sunday Pastor Jared taught about how constructing our trust through examining God's character, truth, and reliability should ultimately result in HOPE! Here are some reflection questions to think about as you go about your week:

- Our trust in God's character, truth, and reliability should produce Hope in us. Do you see Hope at work in your life? If so, how?

- Jared compared our journey of trust to walking on a bridge where we can't see the end of it. Where do you see yourself on the bridge? Waiting to take the first step? Moving forward, backward, or frozen in the middle?

- Faith is hoping for things we cannot see. What is something in the world that seems impossible, that you cannot see a way for it to happen? Take it before God and ask for the trust and hope to believe God is capable of accomplishing it.