The New Covenant

Jan 14, 2024    Pastor Jared Richey

This week Pastor Jared talked about the New Covenant with the people of God, and the impact it has on our journey of faith! Here are some questions to reflect over as you listen and go about your week:

Jeremiah 31 references God's promise that "they will be my people, and I will be their God." What does this mean to you? What does it look like for God to be lord over EVERY area of your life?

Jared says that "Even God submitted to his own justice" through Jesus' sacrifice for us. What kind of God do you think God would be if God did not follow his own standard of justice?

Of the four things to understand about what this new covenant is (covenant of Grace, Rest, New Life, and Union), which one resonates most with you or speaks most to a hunger of your soul? Pray about it and ask God to give you faith to believe and surrender.

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