The Great Commission

May 14, 2023    Pastor Jared Richey

This week Pastor Jared unpacks the story of the “Great Commission” Jesus spoke to his disciples in Matthew 28:16-20 and what it means for us today. Here are some questions to think about as you listen!

What does it look like to have all authority on heaven and earth? Stop for a moment and imagine the vastness of the universe in your mind, then imagine someone who could create all of that with a word.

If you had this kind of power and authority, what would you want to do with it? How does that compare to what Jesus chooses to do with it?

Why do you think Jesus chose to trust a ragtag bunch of disciples to carry his message throughout the world, rather than bringing about the entire rule and reign of his Kingdom right then?

The Greek of the command “Go” in Matthew 28:19 is more literally translated, “as you go” or “as you are going.” How does that affect how you understand the passage?

What is one practical way you can work for the sake of Jesus’ Kingdom in your life this week?

How can you work to stay connected to the presence of Jesus in your life?