The Man on the Mat

Mar 12, 2023    Pastor Jared Richey

This Sunday Pastor Jared talked about the man on the mat in Luke 5, and how he was brought by his friends to Jesus. As you listen, here are some questions to reflect on!

How is your soul with the Lord?

How can you ask this question to friends and neighbors around you as you walk alongside them in relationships?

Read Luke 5:17-26 and take a few minutes to reflect on the story. Who do you relate to most? Someone in the crowd, so focused on Jesus’ teaching that you’re unaware of the people behind you trying to get to Jesus? The man on the mat, feeling helpless and unable to get to Jesus on your own? The friends who are determined to make a way for the man to see Jesus?

Who are you bringing with you to help you encourage and walk alongside others who need Jesus?